Telegram Setup
To use AlwaysOnline with Telegram, first thing you need to do is to create a Telegram account. A phone number is required that you have access to, as this account will interact with AlwaysOnline. To create an account you can use web browser or application that is supported for different types of devices. You can learn more about it in official documentation.
Creating your own Bot:
In order to create a Telegram Bot, follow these steps:
1) Contact the user @BotFather on Telegram and start a chat. Either follow the link @BotFather or look for its username using @...
2) Write /newbot to @BotFather and choose a unique friendly bot name. Friendly names can contain spaces. Example: JoesAlwaysOnline. (The bot cannot previously exist or be owned by someone else).
3) Specify the bot username. This name can't contain spaces and must end with "bot". Example: JoesAlwaysOnlineBot.
4.) Your bot has been created! You will now receive the access token like this: 1234567890:AAAA-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
. This APIKey/Token will need to be save into the "Token" text section of "Settings" in AlwaysOnline. (If it greyed out, your license is expired or you do not have the Gold Edition)
5.) Enter the APIKey/Token into the "Token" text section of "Settings" in AlwaysOnline. Select. Hit "Test" and "Save" to store the token.
Can't find your Token?
You can find it on the @BotFather message logs. Alternatively, message /token @xxx to it, with xxx being the bot's name. For example: /token @JoesAlwaysOnlineBot.